Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Quick Trim Tip: Lose weight Fast: Use a Smaller Plate

The tendency is to fill our plates full, so trick yourself and use a smaller plate. Studies have shown that people judge how much food they've eaten by the size of the plate and how full it is. They feel satisfied on less food piled on a smaller plate, than the same amount of food on a big plate. Changing your plate size can lead to easy weight loss.

Use a salad plate for your dinner plate and you'll automatically eat less. Use a small bowl instead of a soup bowl and you'll cut calories.

The same trick works with drinks. A squat short glass may hold more liquid than a tall skinny one but most people will think they've drunk more when drinking out of the taller glass. Fill the glass with crushed ice before pouring in your drink and save even more calories.

Tips to Lose Weight Fast

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